Creating a safe space to learn about diversity, equity and inclusion wherever you are on your journey to ally-ship.

This is me

My name is Valerie Harvey and I am a Diversity, Inclusion & Equity instructor.
Although I have recently entered this world, my unique experiences emigrating from Panama City, Panama to South Central, LA in the 80s combined with my 40 years experience as an Afro Latinx woman, I can relate firsthand to the surreal experience of being Black in America.
I have often moved in majority-white spaces during my professional life: in my early work as a banking associate; my years as a makeup representative at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills; and over my 10 years as a freelance hair and makeup artist on set in Los Angeles and beyond.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Instructor
Makeup Artist
Afro -Latinx Woman
I advise companies
and NGOs on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion policies
As the sole Black person in many of these situations, I was often called upon to address issues of diversity and inclusion long before it became an in-demand subject for non BIPOC. In light of the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, a few names on a long list, and the reinvigoration of the BLM Movement, I felt a duty to take my passion to the next level and affect change on a larger scale.
In the summer of 2020, I completed a Diversity, Inclusion and Equity certification program at Cornell University and am committed to creating a safe space to learn how to have the difficult conversations about the perceptual, institutional and psychological processes that impact the ways we interact with one another.